Sunday, July 27, 2014


 I would always state that for most of my life that I have been able to state that I have not been the victim of overt acts of discriminations. I would say this is due to the fact that I find myself apart of many major groups within our culture. However the subtle acts of discriminations that may have been hard to detect in the past yet have come to the forefront of my thoughts through my studies this week.

One such moment of micro aggression that I have experienced happened to me in the past, as the wife of a soldier I am often left to handle many of my families day -to -day needs in the absence of my husband. Decisions can not be left until he can be consulted or has the time in order to handle things. I say this because I have found myself learning new skills and researching on concepts that I would have found boring in the past in an effort to keep our family life moving along on a more or less smooth pace.

It was during one of my husbands deployments that I found myself faced with the attitudes that some may feel that  I am in capable of making decisions or having knowledge in areas most people would assume have been handled in the past by husband. It was during this time that I realized the surprise some people expressed to me that during each of my husband's deployments I have made a conscious decision as so many military wives make to stay near the military base instead of relocating to be closer to my family.  Its odd to think of this now because at the time I simply shrugged the comments off and paid no attention to them at all, however now in light of my studies on microagressions these comments were made in the opinion that I was less capable of leading my life without my husband being there and that I would automatically revert to going home in order to find support for myself and my children. This is not to say that the decisions that I made were easy , they just were the best decisions to make under the circumstances that I found myself, in which I always placed the need for my children to have stability in their lives above my own discomfort.

In thinking of the subtle ways that we can affect how others view us and themselves. It is important to have an awareness of the subtle ways in which we can impose our beliefs and biases on those around us. In my case I know that I was faced with moments of doubt as if I was less capable of carrying on in my husband's absence. These were hard feelings in which to put behind me and in the end I chose to focus on the day to day happenings in my life and not on my ability or inability to handle my current situation. For other people the solution may not be so simple.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Definitions of Culture

In speaking with several people about their definitions of diversity and culture.  For the most part their definition of culture includes how a person in raised by their parents or caregivers.  Culture also includes the environment in which a person or  group finds themselves are influences on a  persons sense of culture.  For example one person may have been raised in a middle-class family in a big city. While another person is raised in lower middle class family living in a more rural setting.
            Diversity is defined as the differences that are seen between people.  It was further concluded our reactions to these differences or our adapting to include these differences as positive experiences enables our acceptance of these diversities.
            In reflecting upon the answers I received about culture and diversity, everyone included the environment in which a person is exposed to including references to the implied housing arrangements and economic status.  All are implications of the deep culture in which everyone  takes a part.
Yet there were omissions of ideas of food, holidays and  as well as the place that familial relationships have in our culture.

            In speaking to my friends about culture and diversity I am struck by the lack of emphasis on what on the surface is included in thoughts of our culture. In culture talks of food, music, styles of clothing and the influences of those in power and fame all influence our culture. Yet no one mentioned any of this in his or her own definition of culture. In thinking of how others view culture I am beginning to contemplate the lack of focus on the details that influence our culture and the culture of others are seen.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Reflection: Studying research in early childhood education

       In the process of going through this research class I have found myself challenged academically in ways that I was not quite prepared.  I entered this class with little knowledge of research or the processes that are ongoing through out the research process.  I  feel that upon leaving this class I have an improved understanding  of what influences the nature of research, the decision that makes for equitable and open-minded research.  As an educator the biases that I have held or do hold can influence the nature of my work within the classroom, the same can be said for researchers in which their personal biases can influence their research. I feel that I am leaving this research class has given me greater appreciation for the work that is entailed in research , not simply answering the questions as they are answered but the dedication to the methods involved in reaching every conclusion. 

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Early Childhood Development Virtual University (ECDVU) Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)

Early Childhood Development Virtual University (ECDVU) Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)

 A Brief Overview:

The Early Childhood Development Virtual University is committed to the development to the improvement of the quality of life for families and children in Sub- Saharan Africa.  They attempt to meet their objectives through the use of post-secondary education that is non traditional in nature. “These include: recognizing the strengths and expertise that exist locally and regionally; incorporating these ‘voices’ and experiences into the learning process; promoting sustainable, interactive networks that reach rural as well as urban populations; and using computer technology as a means for developing strong information and communication systems within Africa.”

I found through ECDVU mention of the “generative curriculum approach” in which the university has designed each of its course and seminars around early childhood development leadership skills and early childhood development capacity development in Africa.  The ECDVU curriculum encompasses the these characteristics:

·       A Learner Focused Approach-trying to draw as much from the learners own personal and professional experiences
·       A Ecological Approach – “placing individuals, programs and policies into an interactive and dynamic context and seeking to plan activities and interventions to maximize resonating impact throughout the larger ecology;”
·       A capacity building approach – Aiming to strategically strength the participants of the programs that they can fulfill their mandates for their professional programs, this is done is a very specific way.
·       A Co-Constructive Approach – encouraging each learner to draw upon not only curriculum but also their own knowledge of their country and experience to arrive at their to derive their perspectives and applications
·       A Multi-Cultural Approach – consider ideas, research, and goals pertaining to early childhood care and development from other countries including other parts of Africa and around the World.
·       A Cohort Driven Approach-encourage collaboration and reciprocal with peers create and consolidate networks for learners within participating countries. 
·       A Historical Approach –Explore the idea “ how we came to be here” as a learner explore the theories of child development and construction and more recent international development activities focusing on children and their development.

 Currently there are several papers that have been published and are interesting in terms of early childhood education.  There is one in particular that I found of interest
 Building Community Leadership for Quality Sustainability in Madrasa Preschools: The Case of Madrasa Preschools Post Graduation Support by Asha Mohammed Ahmed
Who is working from the country of Tanzania, in the paper he outlines the steps he has taken with the help of the community to establish Early Childhood Programs within each community that can be sustained and supported with help from   trained teacher and staff that are sensitive to the community and their needs as well as the community who is given training ad is guided in the building of the program all for the benefit and support of children and families.  The project that is built ultimate took three years to come to full completion, through planning , training, and working with the families ,communities members, and staff.  There are several other programs within Africa that that were used as a guide and so it gave the building of the this particular project a starting point. 

The following is the link directly to the paper:

Saturday, May 24, 2014


In imagine if you could research any topic under the sun what would it be? That has been the question I have contemplating all of this week, initially I thought that this should something I should quickly be able to answer and I am finding myself stumped by the magnitude of possible answers. Quite honestly if I were to be given the opportunity to step outside of myself and be allowed to research any question I would chose to follow another passionate area of my life ; the military as a spouse of a soldier I am immersed in a lifestyle that I am not on control of and as such much of the outcomes that have resulted in my own personal family have been because of my husband's service.  I would want to do a detailed study of past and present families to see truly how deployments and moves and etc... have affected their lives, careers, emotions  and the like. I know it is affecting my own there are positive but with all good there is some bad that one must learn to be resilient through. 

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Research Process: A Beginning

Research Process

I have begun the process of research by thinking of two topics that interests me the most in education. The topics that I have begun with are special education and diversity. More specifically diversity in special education, after much thought over the last week, I am feeling that as a topic I should focus more on diversity or more on special education. As an educator I am extremely passionate about  both topics as a parent of two children with various special needs as well as working, living as a military spouse I recognize the need for diversity in education. In each topic there is value yet I don't want to place too much of myself in the topics and forget about the questions that I am trying to research out in order to further my understanding in education. 

I am frustrated in my own self through this process, because I cannot seem to focus on which way my research should go.  Since the process of researching on a topic of my own choosing is  a very new process its harder to figure out which way I would I like to go and what questions I want to answer since I have so many. Any advice would be great in this area. How to begin to narrow down my research to manageable topics of discussion ?  

As I am beginning this process I am sure this is a process that I am going to grow from and learn, I am open to all suggestions. It is more that a little disconcerting but I am truly enjoying the learning process.